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A fa discount nfl football jerseys rm discount nfl jersey er plant ed two acres of wa termelon, growi ng well , she looks to harvest . H ail hit the floo r of the wate rmelon wrecked splin ters , hardly find a complete melon . F arm er be ing s ad, su dden l y lit up , he had foun d that in a not collapse beneath the gallows there is a complete big waterme l ons. The farmer hap py bad , with this big w atermelon to the market, the pric e of 1,000 yu an , less a do llar do no t sell , many p eople laughed at him : "You watermelon h ow expen s ive it ! Others wa termelon than yo u this good , only a dollar a pound . " fa rmer said:" of course, others did not su ffer h ail smashing water melons , h arvest, of co urse, sell ing c heap , and my floor hai l smashe d watermelons are gone , we only h ave this one out , my h ard work a nd , unfo r tunately, can only sell so expensive and hard to m a ke up for my los s L adies and gen tle men, y o u are willing to make up fo r his loss and offer 1,000 yu an t o buy this wa termelon w hat ? answer is self-evi de nt , because the market d oes not believ e in te ars .
By the same tok en , the boss also do not believe in tears . Wh e n you c an not work out the results , and when you go th rough try i ng and still not achieved the desired resu l ts , never in front of th e boss you do not mee t stated perform ance rea so ns , d o not hope you r reasons to impre ss your bo ss. Identify your relation ship with the boss , which is of prima r y im portance. Bec ause, after all, not the bo ss philanthropis t , he is n ot your relatives, friends or teachers , no o bliga tion and no respons ibility for your perso nal things to solve pr oblem s.
Some people a re alway s simple from the trading poin t of view, all day thinking : " H ow much money you give me , I'll do much ." Mo re over , thi s is still much ali ve in the hearts of their own subjective settle do wn , once the dry l ive beyon d thi s thresh old, h e will be unbalan ced p sychological . Eve n more fri ghtening is th at he put the job just as much to do their own thing , o r how much work done , but did not ask : How do the results of these job ? What are s ome of the jo b ? The results seem to do with him. Of cour se , there ar e some "wise man" wil l be his "wis dom" as used in children less work and more money on . This is why a lot of " sm ar t peo p le " in the wor kplace frequently the reaso n for failure . They are only the things wit h their stakehold ers expressed str ong interest and high talent, but they should be doi ng but are not inte rest ed in ev en perfunc tory. This in turn expl ains why many people seem general intelligence in the wor kplace has been extremely successful career , because they understand that a particularly simple tru th : Only for the bos s constantly surprises , he can give you a constantly surprises.