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Lecture Capturing System
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Lecture Capturing System (LCS)
The Gandhigram Rural Institute (GRI) has developed its own facility to record, edit and store the lectures given by the faculty members. This facility is in-built within the Teaching-Learning Process currently followed in the institute. For operating this facility, required infrastructure facilities are installed and managed by the Department of Lifelong Learning and Extension. To produce the videos of lectures, two studios are designed and maintained.These studiosare equipped with a Green matte facility withan inbuilt multi-camera video recording facility. These studiosare also equipped with State-of-the-art equipment with the latest configuration. Three digital video cameras with appropriate lighting and a spot editing facility are established in the peripherals of the green matte studio. The studio is being operated with Air-Conditioning facility and also has a digital screen to display the lecture content.
The faculty members of various Schools/ Departments/ Centersvisit the green matte studio to convert their lecture sessions into videosfor academic purposes and upload them into the Lecture Management System (LMS) of GRI. A separate login facility is provided to the students of GRI to view and download the lectures from the LMS. The content and videos are also preserved in the Department of Lifelong Learning and Extension under a separate unit namely GRI Media. Thus, the existing Lecture Capturing System (LCS) has a very good collection of electronically converted lecture materials for various topics of Languages, Arts, Science, Management, Rural Development, Engineering etc., All the teaching materials are produced by professionally trained technicians.Therefore, the GRI has an adequate facility to produce, store and retrieve electronically recorded lessons for various subjects.

Access to PWD
gri_admin_block The Gandhigram Rural Institute (Deemed to be University)
Gandhigram, Dindigul District,
Tamil Nadu, India. Pincode: 624 302.
Phone: 0451-2452371
Website last updated on: February 06th, 2025 Website Management Committee
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